Tuesday, 23 July 2013

Tangent cleaner

This is an excellent script that I use every time that I animate a shot. It is essentially an improved, smarter version of the auto tangent available in recent versions of Maya. Simply paste this script in to your script editor and add it to your shelf. The only glitch is that it doesn't work directly from stepped mode. You have to convert your curves to spline first, and then run this script. It does a lot of work for you and you will find that if you use this script constantly to smooth out your curves, you will spend less time in the graph editor.

//This script smoothes animation key tangents.
//Copyright Nathan Tungseth.

// Declare procedures:

proc float shallower(float $value1, float $value2)
{return ( abs($value1) < abs($value2) ) ? ($value1) : ($value2);}

proc float steeper(float $value1, float $value2)
{return ( abs($value1) > abs($value2) ) ? ($value1) : ($value2);}

global proc trdprty_tungsethTangent()
// Declare variables:
int $numberofcurves; int $c; string $curve; int $I;
int $selectedindexes; int $totalindexes;
int $start; int $end;
string $tanType; string $step; int $locked;
int $i[5]; float $x[5]; float $y[5]; float $m[4];
//string $before; string $keynode; string $after;
int $sign[4]; int $node;
float $ix; float $ox;
float $inSmooth; float $outSmooth; float $inlimit; float $outlimit;
float $inSlope; float $outSlope; float $inAngle; float $outAngle;
int $locked; int $weighted; int $weightlock; float $inweight; float $outweight;
float $smooth; float $limit;
float $slope; float $angle;

waitCursor -state on; // make a nice wait cursor icon while it works...-comet

// Outer loop goes through selected curves, one at a time.
string $curves[] = `keyframe -q -sl -name`;
$numberofcurves = `size ($curves)`;
for ($c = 0; $c < $numberofcurves; $c = $c + 1)

// Inner loop goes through selected keys, one at a time.
$curve = $curves[$c];
int $selectedindexes[] = `keyframe -query -sl -iv $curve`;
$totalindexes = `keyframe -q -kc $curve`;
$numberofselectedindexes = `size ($selectedindexes)`;
for ($I = 0; $I < $numberofselectedindexes; $I = $I + 1)

// Determine index value of current key (2) and four neighbors (0,1,3,4).
$i[2] = $selectedindexes[$I];
$i = {$i[2] - 2, $i[2] - 1, $i[2], $i[2] + 1, $i[2] + 2};

//if tangency type is not "step", do the following.
string $tanTypes[] = `keyTangent -in $i[2] -q -ott $curve`; $tanType = $tanTypes[0];
$step = "step";
if ($tanType != $step)

// Loop to determine x and y positions of five keys (time and value of each).
$start = (`max 0 (2 - $i[2])`);
$end = (`min 5 (2 + $totalindexes - $i[2])`);
for ($p = $start; $p < $end; $p = $p + 1)
float $X[] = `keyframe -in $i[$p] -query -tc $curve`; $x[$p] = $X[0];
float $Y[] = `keyframe -in $i[$p] -query -vc $curve`; $y[$p] = $Y[0];

// Calculate four slopes between the keys (0,1,2,3).
for ($p = 0; $p < 4; $p = $p + 1)
if ($p < $start || $p > ($end - 2))
{$m[$p] = 0.0;}
else {$m[$p] = ($y[($p + 1)] - $y[$p])/($x[($p + 1)] - $x[$p]);}

// Are there nodes? Check sign (+,0,-) for the 3 slope changes.

$sign[0] = ($m[1] - $m[0] == 0.0) ? ($sign[0] = 0) : (($m[1] - $m[0])/(abs($m[1] - $m[0])));
$sign[1] = ($m[2] - $m[0] == 0.0) ? ($sign[1] = 0) : (($m[2] - $m[0])/(abs($m[2] - $m[0])));
$sign[2] = ($m[3] - $m[1] == 0.0) ? ($sign[2] = 0) : (($m[3] - $m[1])/(abs($m[3] - $m[1])));
$sign[3] = ($m[3] - $m[2] == 0.0) ? ($sign[3] = 0) : (($m[3] - $m[2])/(abs($m[3] - $m[2])));

if (($sign[0] * $sign[1] >= 0) &&
($sign[2] * $sign[3] >= 0) &&
($sign[0] * $sign[3] <= 0))

{$node = true;
$inSmooth = ( $m[1] + ( ($m[1] - $m[0]) / 2.0 ) );
$outSmooth = ( $m[2] + ( ($m[2] - $m[3]) / 2.0 ) );}

else {$node = false;
$inSmooth = $m[1];
$outSmooth = $m[2];}

//as long as tangent is locked (handles move together), combine the two slope values into one.
//Exception: if weights are free and also broken, treat angle as unified.

int $Weighted[] = `keyTangent -q -wt $curve`; $weighted = $Weighted[0];
if ($weighted == true)
float $oldIx[] = `keyTangent -in $i[2] -query -ix $curve`; $ix = ($oldIx[0] * 10.0);
float $oldOx[] = `keyTangent -in $i[2] -query -ox $curve`; $ox = ($oldOx[0] * 10.0);
int $Weightlock[] = `keyTangent -in $i[2] -q -weightLock $curve`; $weightlock = $Weightlock[0];
int $Locked[] = `keyTangent -in $i[2] -q -lock $curve`; $locked = $Locked[0];
if (($locked == true) || ($weightlock == false))
$smooth = (($inSmooth + $outSmooth)/2.0);
$smooth = ($node == true) ? (shallower($smooth,(shallower((2.0*$inSmooth),(2.0*$outSmooth))))) : ($smooth);
$inlimit = ( ( $smooth * $m[1] ) < 0 ) ? ( 0 ) : ( 3.0 * $m[1] );
$outlimit = ( ( $smooth * $m[2] ) < 0 ) ? ( 0 ) : ( 3.0 * $m[2] );
$limit = ( shallower( $inlimit, $outlimit ) );
$slope = ( shallower( $smooth, $limit ) );

//Correct overshoot for weighted curves.
if ($weighted == true)
{$slope = shallower($slope,(shallower((($y[2]-$y[1])/$ix),(($y[3]-$y[2])/$ox))));}
else {$slope = $slope;}

$inSlope = $slope;
$outSlope = $slope;
if ($locked == true)
keyTangent -in $i[2] -lock false $curve; // Temporarily unlock tangent.
$inlimit = ( ( $inSmooth * $m[1] ) < 0 ) ? ( 0 ) : ( 3 * $m[1] );
$outlimit = ( ( $outSmooth * $m[2] ) < 0 ) ? ( 0 ) : ( 3 * $m[2] );
$inSlope = ( shallower( $inSmooth, $inlimit ) );
$outSlope = ( shallower( $outSmooth, $outlimit ) );

$inAngle = atand ($inSlope);
$outAngle = atand ($outSlope);

// If curve is weighted, calculate weight for key.
if ($weighted == true)
$inweight = ( ( $x[2] - $x[1] ) / ( 3 * ( cosd ( $inAngle ) ) ) );
$outweight = ( ( $x[3] - $x[2] ) / ( 3 * ( cosd ( $outAngle ) ) ) );
// If it's the first key, set $inweight = $outweight. Reverse for last key.
if ($i[2] == 0) {$inweight = $outweight;}
if ($i[2] == $totalindexes - 1) {$outweight = $inweight;}
$inweight = 1;
$outweight = 1;

// Apply angle value to tangent of current key.
// If weights are free or nonweighted, leave weights alone.
if ((($weighted == true) && ($weightlock == false)) || ($weighted == false))
keyTangent -in $i[2] -ia $inAngle $curve;
keyTangent -in $i[2] -oa $outAngle $curve;
//...but for locked weighted keys, space weights evenly.
keyTangent -in $i[2] -ia $inAngle -iw $inweight $curve;
keyTangent -in $i[2] -oa $outAngle -ow $outweight $curve;

// Relock tangents.
if ($locked == true) {keyTangent -in $i[2] -lock true $curve;}

// end condition that tangency type must not be "step".
// Go to next key.
// Go to next curve.
waitCursor -state off; // put mouse cursor back to normal. -comet
// end procedure.