Sunday, 21 October 2012

A week at Topix

Just a few short days ago I completed my first week at Topix animation studio in Toronto. I really feel like my career has been given a big kick start now. The work is challenging and I am required to animate things that I have never animated before, but the harder it is the more I will learn right?
Best of all I know that the result of all this hard work will be a series of shots that will look fantastic on my reel! Studio work is also quite interesting. It's great to have a supervising animator on board all the time. Twice a day he will review my work and give me notes. It's like being paid to be at school. Best of all I know that he will be harsh because it needs to be good enough to satisfy the client.
As well as this I am also still doing some work at Chuck Gamage in Hamilton. With my busy schedule traveling to and from Toronto I can only work for them part time (or remotely from home) but I really want to gain all the experience that I can. I also decided to finally get a copy of The Animator's Survival Kit which I'm almost done reading. It really is a great read for any aspiring animator and I highly recommend it.
I'm also doing a personal shot on the side, although I don't expect it to be done for a few months with my busy schedule.
I would like to start posting about animation itself rather than just personal accounts of my life so hopefully I'll have time to start that soon...